MS in Pharmacology Virtual Information SessionWednesday, May 28, 2025 at 3:00 PM until 4:00 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00 Georgetown University’s MS in Pharmacology program is a one-year, non-thesis degree program that offers a foundation of rigorous coursework as well as the option to do research or tailor the curriculum with a selection of elective courses from across our biomedical departments. Our typical cohort of 15-20 students benefits from a small class size in our main pharmacology courses and receives personalized attention from our faculty, whether in the classroom or in the laboratory. Core courses are taught by a team of departmental faculty and researchers, many of whom also teach in the medical school. Our alumni continue on to further education (PhD, medical, and other health sciences) or take positions in the public and private spheres, such as at the NIH, FDA, pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, and university laboratories. Of students pursuing further education, 65% are accepted either during the program or within 1 year of graduation, and 85% are accepted within 3 years. Join our information session to learn more about what we have to offer you! First NameLast NameBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Email AddressUndergraduate InstitutionIntended Year of Enrollment (press CTRL to select multiple options)202520262027What are your plans for after completing an MS degree?PhD programMedical, dental, or other health professional schoolWorking in government (ie, NIH, FDA)Working in industry (ie, pharmaceutical company)Working in academia/non-profit (ie, university research)UndecidedOtherIf Other, please describe your future plans.How Did You Hear About Our Program? (press CTRL to select multiple options)Ad on LinkedIn, Facebook, or InstagramGeneral online searchGraduate School FairLinked from or referred by another program/department at GeorgetownReceived an email directly from GeorgetownReferred by an advisor at my collegeReferred by a faculty memberReferred by an alum of the programReferred by a current student in the programReferred by a practitioner/researcher/industry professionalThrough a student organization at my collegeOtherIf Other, please indicate if you heard about our program in any other way.Notice of Non-Discrimination: View Georgetown's Notice of Non-Discrimination in Education.Admissions Privacy Notice for Students from the European Union:Georgetown University's Privacy Policy describes the University's general approach to protecting your personal information. Our processing of personal information provided by EU/EEA residents may also be subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR"). When EU/EEA residents submit information to Georgetown University or use Georgetown University's websites and/or electronic services, they consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information as described in the Grad Admissions EU Privacy Notice. Privacy-related questions can be directed to SourceProgram WebinarProgramAddiction Policy and Practice (M.S.)Aging and Health (M.S.)Aging and Health- Certificate in Senior Living Administration (CERT)Applied Mathematics (Ph.D.)Arab Studies (M.A.)Arabic and Islamic Studies (M.A.)Arabic and Islamic Studies (Ph.D.)Art and Museum Studies (M.A.)Asian Studies (M.A.)Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (M.S.)Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology (Ph.D.)Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerg Infec Diseases (Certificate-online)Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases (M.S.)Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases (M.S.)- Biomedical Science Policy and AdvocacyBioinformatics (M.S.)Biology (Ph.D.)Biomedical Science Policy and Advocacy (M.S.)Biostatistics (Certificate)Biostatistics (M.S.)Biostatistics (Ph.D.)Biotechnology (M.S.)Biotechnology BioBusiness (Certificate)Catholic Clinical Ethics (Certificate)Catholic Clinical Ethics (M.A.)Cell Biology (Ph.D.)Chemistry (Ph.D.)Clinical & Translational Research (Certificate)Clinical & Translational Research (M.S.)Clinical Quality, Safety and Leadership (Certificate)Clinical Quality, Safety and Leadership (Executive Master's)Communication Culture and Technology (M.A.)Computer Science (M.S.)Computer Science (Ph.D.)Conflict Resolution (M.A.)Data Science and Analytics (M.S.)Economics (M.S.)Economics (Ph.D.)Economics- Applied (M.A.)Economics- Financial Economics (M.S.)Economics- Political Economy (M.A.)Educational Transformation (M.A.)Engaged and Public Humanities (M.A.)English (M.A.)Environment and International Affairs (M.S.)Environmental Metrology and Policy (M.S.)Epidemiology (Certificate)Epidemiology (M.S.)Eurasian Russian and East European Studies (M.A.)Executive Master's in Diplomacy and International Affairs (EMDIA)Foreign Service (M.S.)German (M.A.)German (Ph.D.)German and European Studies (M.A.)Global Health (M.S.)Global Human Development (Master's)Global Infectious Disease (Ph.D.)Global Infectious Disease (M.S.)Government - American Government (M.A.)Government - Democracy and Governance (M.A.)Government (Ph.D.)Health and the Public Interest (M.S.)Health Informatics & Data Science (M.S.)Health Physics (M.S.)Health Systems Administration (M.S.)Healthcare Safety and Leadership (Executive Certificate)History (Ph.D.)History- Global International & Comparative History (M.A.)Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences (M.S.)International Migration & Refugees (M.A.)Italian Studies (M.A.)Latin American Studies (M.A.)Learning, Design, and Technology (M.A.)Learning, Design, and Technology (M.A.)- Online OptionLinguistics - Applied (M.A.)Linguistics - Language and Communication (M.A.)Linguistics (M.S.)Linguistics (Ph.D.)Mathematics and Statistics (M.S.)Medical Physics (M.S.)Microbiology and Immunology (M.S.)Microbiology and Immunology (M.S.)- Biomedical Science Policy and AdvocacyMicrobiology and Immunology (Ph.D)Neuroscience (Ph.D.)Neuroscience- Integrative Neuroscience (M.S.)Neuroscience- Integrative Neuroscience (M.S.)- Biomedical Science Policy and AdvocacyNursing- Clinical Nurse Leader (M.S.)Nursing- Entry to Nursing (M.S.)Nursing- Doctor in Nurse Anesthesia (DNAP)Nursing- Ph.D. in NursingNursing- Post-Baccalaureate Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing ProgramNursing- Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Post-Graduate CertificateClinical Quality, Safety, and Leadership (Executive Certificate)Pharmacology (M.S.)Pharmacology and Physiology (Ph.D.)Philosophy (Ph.D.)Physics (M.S.)Physics (Ph.D.)Physiology and Biophysics - Regular Program (M.S.)Physiology and Biophysics - Special Masters in Physiology Program (M.S.)Psychology (Ph.D)Public Policy- Data Science for Public Policy (MS)Public Policy- Executive Certificate in Policy Leadership (ECPL)Public Policy- Executive Master in Policy Leadership (EMPL)Public Policy- Health Policy (Certificate)Public Policy- Masters of International Development Policy (MIDP)Public Policy- Master of Policy Management (MPM)Public Policy- Masters of Public Policy (MPP)Security Studies (M.A.)Spanish (M.S.)Spanish (Ph.D.)Systems Medicine (M.S.)Systems Medicine (M.S.)- Applied AI in Systems MedicineTheological and Religious Studies (Ph.D.)Tumor Biology (M.S.)Tumor Biology (Ph.D.)General BGE InterestSubmit